Ammonium Nitrate


:   Ammonium Nitrate

Cas Number

:   6484-52-2

HS Code

:   310230




Basic Info

Appearance Name

:   White Solid

Common Names

:   Ammonium Nitrate


: 25 Kg Bag

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Brief Overview

Ammonium nitrate (NH₄NO₃) is a chemical compound that plays a significant role in various industrial and agricultural applications. As a white crystalline solid, it is highly soluble in water, making it a convenient source of nitrogen for fertilizers. This compound provides a vital nutrient that promotes plant growth, thus boosting agricultural productivity.

Manufacturing Process

The manufacturing process of ammonium nitrate involves several key steps, primarily focused on the reaction between ammonia and nitric acid. Here’s a brief overview of the process:

  1. Ammonia Production:

    • Source: Ammonia (NH₃) is typically produced using the Haber-Bosch process, where nitrogen (N₂) from the air is reacted with hydrogen (H₂) under high pressure and temperature in the presence of a catalyst.
  2. Nitric Acid Production:

    • Source: Nitric acid (HNO₃) is produced through the Ostwald process. In this process, ammonia is oxidized to nitric oxide (NO), which is further oxidized to nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) and then absorbed in water to form nitric acid.
  3. Reaction:

    • Neutralization: Ammonia and nitric acid are reacted together in a neutralization reaction to form ammonium nitrate.
      NH3 + HNO3 → NH4NO3 
    • Conditions: This reaction is highly exothermic, releasing a significant amount of heat. It is typically carried out in stainless steel reactors designed to withstand the corrosive nature of the reactants and the heat generated.
  4. Concentration:

    • Evaporation: The resulting ammonium nitrate solution is concentrated by evaporating excess water, often under vacuum conditions to reduce the boiling point and prevent decomposition.
  5. Prilling or Granulation:

    • Solid Formation: The concentrated solution is then processed to form solid ammonium nitrate. This can be done through prilling or granulation.
    • Prilling: In the prilling process, the liquid ammonium nitrate is sprayed into a prilling tower, where it falls and solidifies into small spherical pellets.
    • Granulation: In the granulation process, the liquid is sprayed onto a rolling bed of granules, where it solidifies and grows in size, forming larger, more uniform particles.
  6. Cooling and Screening:

    • Cooling: The solid ammonium nitrate is cooled to stabilize the product and prevent caking.
    • Screening: The cooled product is screened to separate and classify particles by size, ensuring uniformity for commercial use.
  7. Coating and Storage:

    • Coating: To improve storage stability and reduce hygroscopicity (tendency to absorb moisture), the granules or prills may be coated with anti-caking agents.
    • Storage: The final product is then stored in a dry, well-ventilated area to prevent moisture absorption and potential clumping.

This process yields high-quality ammonium nitrate suitable for use in fertilizers, explosives, and various other applications.

  1. Fertilizer Industry:

    • Primary Use: Ammonium nitrate is extensively used as a high-nitrogen fertilizer. It provides an essential nutrient that supports plant growth and increases crop yields. Its high solubility in water makes it an effective and efficient source of nitrogen for agricultural purposes.
    • Formulations: Often, it is mixed with other nutrients to create balanced fertilizers that address specific soil and crop needs.
  2. Chemical Industry:

    • Precursor to Other Compounds: Ammonium nitrate is used in the synthesis of other chemicals, including nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and various nitrogenous compounds used in different industrial processes.
    • Oxidizing Agent: Its strong oxidizing properties make it useful in various chemical reactions and processes.

In summary, ammonium nitrate's applications range from enhancing agricultural productivity to serving as a critical component in industrial explosives, chemical synthesis, and healthcare products. Its effective and versatile nature underscores its significance across these diverse fields.

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